newbie realtor client

Jul 3, 2022

The 80’s house is the first home I’ve ever listed for sale with a realtor. In addition, I’ve never purchased a home through one either. The only experience I’ve had prior to this is the person that purchased the villa (my first home) had a realtor.

Because I’m a newbie at this, I have no idea if there’s a chance that someone would or could get a weekend or holiday appointment for viewing. That means no matter what, I must start each morning as if it’s “SHOWTIME.”

I chose this route because I thought it would be easier to manage.

By using a listing agent, I wouldn’t have to field calls or wonder if the people I took time to show it to could actually get a mortgage loan, etc. But it’s NOT easier. As a client, I can accept or decline dates/times, but I don’t get to suggest them.

Basically, when you use a realtor you relinquish all control.

That control includes what photos are used for the world to see. Yup, I talked about this yesterday too. The awful photos are bugging me so much that I took my trusty phone and took a few with the wide-angle option just for fun. Below are just two — and they’re better than the listing photos in my opinion:

house photo #2

Tomorrow is the 4th of July and we’ll be celebrating in the Ville. In the meantime, we’re just chillin’ in the sunroom waiting on a showing to happen.

sunroom in the 80's house