the bad b*tches of Lasher Drive

Jul 17, 2022

Dharma and Merida rule their domain with a stern paw. While they were on patrol, a squirrel decided to run the length of the yard on top of the privacy fence. They spotted it immediately.

The brave squirrel flicked its tail the entire sprint. That only infuriated the two hounds more. I held my breath wondering what in the world would’ve happened if that squirrel’s footing slipped or balance failed.

Whew! Lil’ dude made it!

Probably unaware of how close he came to insta death, the squirrel made it to the tree and ran up to safety.

The bad bitches of Lasher, job done, headed back to brag.

bad bitches of Lasher

I can’t wait to see what they do when they can actually SEE the world outside of a privacy fence. 🙂