what’s even back there?

Aug 5, 2022

Having my morning coffee before packing more boxes I was thinking about the place we’re moving all this stuff. My thoughts were all about what I’m going to put where and then I was struck by a thought.

I’ve never even seen the back of the place.

I trusted the upper deck as we walked outside but have now realized it could be held up there by toothpicks. I have a big ZERO clue what’s in the back yard other than what I could see from the inside looking out. The back of my new home could be covered in black mold ready to poison me and the hounds! But I doubt it…

Closing date on the city house is 8/12/22.

That’s 5 days earlier than expected. While I have 30-days to get of here, I’d like to be able to leave earlier. I know how it feels to wait… we did that with Ben’s house. The buyers of this house also have 30-days and I don’t want them to feel the pressure of a last minute move either. I’m nice like that. 😉

boxing it up

Closing date on the country house is unknown.

And that’s what is scary! 😬