i have aged 10 years in 45 days

Sep 19, 2022

I’m tired.

Moving sucks.

Still unpacking, the Pesky’s garage is getting emptied out — and I don’t have any place to store anything else. Downsizing is rough, you guys.

Why does it feel smaller when it isn’t?

This place has a bit more square footage of living space than the Seymour house — and a whole lot more garage. Still, I can’t find a place to put all my stuff. I don’t know why for sure, but I’m guessing it’s because the garage — all 2100 square feet of it — is gravel. The total building size is 50′ x 82′ and I’m not sure where I could even store one more coffee cup.

The upstairs still has trim work to be done and I figure fixing the downstairs the way I want it first makes the most sense. Every single room needs patching and painting but I can’t start that until I get the Pesky’s garage back to normal.

I’m not the only one that’s tired.

Perry has worked incredibly hard throughout the move. He’s fading…

Perry is tired.

Ben has been here every single day. He’s done jobs I couldn’t and hasn’t complained… much. 😉

Ben resting.

Carl and Mom are constant – doing everything they can and more. They’ve also fed us some pretty amazing meals throughout this Hell.

pesky neighbors

I’m grateful and blessed. And I couldn’t ask my family to do this again so I’m stuck.

And still tired. 😉