stridulation in the ville

Sep 23, 2022

There sure are a whole lot of dude crickets here in the ville calling for chick crickets. That high-pitched sound (stridulation) may be annoying to some, but sounds great to me. Live in a city for 10 years and you appreciate even the annoying stuff about living in the country.

I never thought I’d live in a barn.

When the Pesky neighbors built their place I will admit — I was not a fan. Then this place came along and here I am… living their dream, I guess.

my barndo

Funny thing is… I wouldn’t go back to my house in the city for 3 times what I sold it for. I’ve found that I LOVE living in a barn in the country.

our barndo in the ville

Merida loves it so much she broke out to explore.

I did have some excitement yesterday afternoon. Merida escaped the fenced in area and I couldn’t find her anywhere. About .0184 seconds before I called Carl for help, I yelled the magic word…


She came running from the back of the place trying to get into the fenced part through the closed gate. Once she was back inside, I worked on closing the escape hatch. It’s supposed to be fixed when the new driveway goes in and I’m hoping it will hold until then.

Worthless information:

Based on the Farmers’ Almanac, you can use a cricket to tell the temperature in degrees C by counting the number of chirps in 25 seconds, dividing this number by 3 and then adding 4.