hobbies for old women that live in the country

Jan 25, 2023

Experts say that engaging in a mentally stimulating hobby reduces stress. If that’s true… I need a LOT of hobbies to immerse myself in. Yesterday, I mentioned the list of the 20 most relaxing hobbies as per Country Living — some good ideas and some I disagree with.

What I do already:

  • I’m a grandma gamer. I play World of Warcraft, Valheim, Lost Ark and various other games on Steam.
  • I blog and take a lot of photos. While it’s easier to grab my trusty phone, I do have other options and have an Associates Degree in Photography.
  • Cooking and baking are NOT relaxing. It involves cleanup.
  • A good number of the 20 involve exercise. I got that covered.
  • DIY projects. Again… this is work, you guys.

I have this project staring at me daily. You tell me… does this look relaxing to you?

room needs walls

What I’m not interested in doing:

I don’t know how to knit and fish stink. Calligraphy isn’t my jam and flower arranging doesn’t seem like it would take up much time anyway. I’m not going to take up golf, Tai Chi, yoga, or a new instrument. Mr. Pesky is the gardener — anything I would plant other than flowers — would be a waste.

What I’m left with:

  1. painting
  2. pottery
  3. candle and soap making
  4. OR… I could improve on specific aspects of what I already do (like focus on better dog photos, for example)
What hobbies do you have… and what would you recommend I try?