time for a sunset but all i’ve got is coffee

Feb 15, 2023

Rain and wind… and more clouds and rain and wind. It’s not been a perfect week around here, that’s for sure. No way to catch a sunset when there’s no sun. The best I got is coffee…


Last week I had a contractor dude give me a price on walls. He was reasonable and I like him. He’ll start in a couple weeks and I’m feeling pretty good about that.

I also got a price on widening the stairway and making it less steep. I just don’t think we would get 7 grand of good out of it. To make it work, I’d lose space — and suffer living and working where one wall must be ripped out and another wall added. Taking a pass on that job.

I am going to have him finish the trim upstairs — 8 windows and 5 doors — and there’s other items too numerous to mention. I had good intentions, but work has been crazy busy and I figure it’s best to leave some things to a professional. 🙂

Hopefully, I’ll have a sunset photo to share soon, as well as before and after photos in no time at all.