the pink was gone in less than 15-minutes

Feb 19, 2023

I looked outside to see a beautiful sunset forming — lots and lots of pink. I figured I’d wait about 15-minutes for the full effect… and I did. Within 15-minutes, the clouds were heavy and the pink gone, I gave up on capturing the gorgeous sky I missed. Oh well… maybe next time.

So I got a new table. Big deal, right?

I’ve had the same table since I built the house in Crothersville in 1986. It’s an old and bulky round one with a thick pedestal in the middle. It came out of the old Poplar Street Tavern in Seymour. The tavern is still there — but the old wooden tables were removed long, long ago. Mom has one and I have another.

The story of WHY I have a new table…

Katie’s in the process of moving out of her home — it’s the home she grew up in and later purchased with her then fiancé in hopes of making it her forever home. Long story short, he’s gone and may shortly be moving in with his pregnant girlfriend — that is… if he can get a loan for it without Katie’s name on the mortgage.

Such a devastating blow for a soon-to-be bride, right? She’s moving to a really small place with very little room for anything. So she was going to simply leave the table. Ummm… absolutely not! He’s taken enough. So I moved the tavern table to the room with no walls (soon to be named the room with wood walls) and I gave her cash so she could buy a new couch.

Not thrilled with it but I don’t hate it either. It seats 6 which is nice. And, it is solid wood — Amish built — so it’s a sturdy piece. Maybe someday she’ll need it back. 🙂