when did i get so old?

Mar 2, 2023

Another classmate of mine retired yesterday… letting everyone on FB know a cruise was booked and a camper purchased. Part of my brain has contemplated retiring. Another part thinks I’ll be sitting here doing what I do for the next 10-15 years.

I figure I’ll work at least a little while longer because:

  • While my favorite brother could replace me, he couldn’t afford to pay others to do what I do.
  • There are big purchases I want to make without dipping into savings.
    • Walls and ceiling plus trim upstairs
    • Decking to go around the pool that’s to be installed either this month or next
    • 2400 sq feet of concrete
    • Eggs 😉

I look at photos of myself and realize how flipping old I’ve gotten. I guess I shouldn’t hate it so much because in another 5 years — best case scenario — it’s going to be even worse. Right?

i'm old

What I’d like to do by the end of the year is simply cut back. I’m tired… and tired of working 100 hours per week. I’d also like to make the same amount of money I’m making now without working. We’ll see how that works out. 😏