you’re not supposed to care…

Mar 21, 2023

You’re not supposed to care about what happens to a house you called home once you move away. It’s not that I really care, but for some reason it makes me sad. Crazy, right?

The Seymour house:

I was at the Seymour house for about 10 years. It’s a GREAT house but it simply didn’t fit what I like. A little too fancy inside and a little to “city” outside, it never really felt like home.

I’ve heard the garage door has now been painted orange and all the shrubs have been pulled out. I don’t care enough to make a special trip to see it, but the next time I’m in Seymour I’ll do a drive by. I don’t think orange is the color I’d pick to paint outside, but the chick that bought the house had her previous home decorated nicely. I’m willing to bet she has spring landscaping in mind too.

The Villa:

I had the little house in the Ville built in 1986. It started out as around 1100 square feet and was a little over 1500 after a remodel. No garage in the beginning — and a 2.5 car unattached garage when it sold. Although small, the layout was good and it worked just fine to raise one kid. We had trees and flowers all around the house. It was equipped with a hot tub and a pool and we made a whole lot of memories right there.

Now, we drive by the villa to get here and I can’t help but look that way. Paint is coming off the one front corner and all the trees are gone. Even the fire bush that marked the property line in front is missing. The grass is always mowed but lots of cars are parked in the drive. There’s no visible furniture on the patio or the deck. 🙁

Not my business!

I know it’s not my business what anyone does with THEIR home. Still, it’s hard not to feel something when you look at places where you spent a good deal of time calling it home.