after barely escaping death by noravirus…

Mar 29, 2023

Now that I’m feeling human and back to my old habits (not getting nearly enough sleep), things are progressing on the remodeling front. Mr. Contractor is here daily and the naked room is starting to get covered in wood.

My view is great… except the sun coming through the window in front of me and the one at the side is blinding during certain parts of the day.

work view

The inconvenience is real.

The contractor and his helper have accidentally let Merida escape just once, and they only come in the liveable part of the house and interrupt me around 100 times a day. The rest of the time, they’re just running saws and pounding.

progress in remodel

Still, it’s all good… it’s called progress. My Mom said something that’s always stuck with me. She said, “you must suffer to be beautiful” (as she was painfully cutting my dry hair with a razor blade). Although beautiful isn’t the goal for this room – the suffering isn’t so bad and will be over soon.