quirky dog personalities

Apr 3, 2023

Dogs have unique personalities. They’re a lot like toddlers, I guess — always testing their boundaries. My two dogs couldn’t be more different. Dharma is going through the “floors are scary” phase again. I move rugs around because she thinks concrete is lava.

The only other way you can get her from point A to point B is to put a lead on her. Once around her neck, Merida grabs the handle and leads her around. It’s funny… but most of all it’s a telling sign of their personality differences.

Merida is a rebel.

She’s not always bold — she’s not a protector, for sure. But she’s so athletic and just when you think she’s a bit clumsy, she pulls off some acrobatic perfectly controlled move. Merida CAN NOT turn off her high level of activity. She’s a counter surfer and is in trouble 80% of the time.

Dharma is quiet and lazy for the most part.

fat and lazy

She likes to sleep under my desk and follows me everywhere I go. Don’t let the lazy fat girl fool you… she’s the protector. She doesn’t back down and her bark lets everyone know when she’s on guard. She doesn’t bother stuff she’s not supposed to and is truly a good dog.

I love them both in different ways — because they are totally different. 🙂