wrapping it up next week?

Apr 7, 2023

Mr. Contractor told me this morning that they would wrap up everything next week. He promised that if not finished by Friday, they would work the weekend. They still have a ton to do but I’m guessing the objective is to get paid and move on to the next.

workers gotta work

Of course, that makes me pretty darned happy. It’s not so bad that they’re here and disrupt the day, it’s that I can’t wait to get my stuff moved — especially the computers — and get back into a normal “inside” routine. Once the inside is normal, it’s easier to move forward on the outside work.

Full weather cooperation is expected.

Right now, it looks like we have a full weekend — and week ahead — without rain. Not sure about the wind situation, but it would be great if that would be minimal too. We’ve got boxes to burn!

In the meantime, Dharma is all about sunning herself on the deck loving life!

Dharma on the deck