sunset #28 of 52: photo taken when spring feels like summer

Apr 15, 2023

The last few days it’s been in the 80s. Sadly, tomorrow night I’ll have to bring my plants inside because temps are forecasted to plummet. We’re enjoying the warm days while we can…

Perry outside in spring.

My tulips still aren’t blooming, but the snowball bushes have more little flowers peeking out every day. Nothing full blown yet, but at least they’re contemplating showing up for spring. I have a hummingbird feeder out but Brad has yet to make his appearance this year.

C’mon Brad! We’re waiting on ya — and it’s gorgeous here in the spring!

spring sunset in rural Indiana

I SHOULD be pulling weeds in the flower beds around the house today but I’m not sure I have it in me.

I’ve been on a mission to get the upstairs ready for Mr. Contractor. He’s going to be doing the trim, shimming doors that won’t close, and moving an outside door that doesn’t open properly. The walls all needed patched and painted before he starts up there and I’ve been doing just that.

I still have the family room upstairs to do, but it can wait. It already has baseboards so only the windows and doors need to be trimmed. Sadly, twisting around with a loaded paint roller while going up and down a ladder is rough on the back of an old chick who already has back issues. Perry mowed AGAIN yesterday — pretty sure it was so he didn’t have to help paint. 😉

Decorating advice from my kid.

Ben walked in this morning and said, “Are you going to leave your computer in here? It looks really good there.

Me: No. Why do you think I’m getting walls out there?
Him: Just use it as a family room. You should stay in here.
Me: This is a dining room!
Him: You’re close to the kitchen and it’s on the good side of the house.
Me: 🙄