We’ve had contractors here for weeks. That translates to me getting up to let them in, and then moving to a spot behind a computer in the dining room. No treadmill nor real exercise because they’re in and out of my working space at odd times — mostly because they need to pee.
My Apple Watch let me know that’s slowing changing. It’s not because I’m getting treadmill time. The reason I’m stepping it up is because the biggest part of the barndo upgrade project is done and we’re moving our “stuff” back to where it belongs.
We have walls — and a ceiling too!
It still smells like stain and polyurethane in here, and my chest feels like it’s almost raw inside. It’s 36° outside and I’ve got windows open with heaters on. It sure would be easier to get things back to normal if it wasn’t so darned cold. I have my summer/spring hanging baskets inside because of the frost warming. 🥶
I’ll be hanging up some pictures today and doing some basic décor. Not like I could do THAT with spray foam insulation walls. My Apple watch should be happy today — but when the contractors come back tomorrow to do the upstairs, I’ll likely revert to a lump in a chair.