the seymour house got a facelift

Jul 5, 2023

The buyer of the house in Seymour chose a realtor I know. I got a text yesterday from her that the buyer shared — it was a photo of the outside changes made to the house since they moved in.

I think it looks GREAT! I love they pulled out all the shrubs (I hated every single one of them) and the awnings look so much better than the shutters. The window boxes are pretty too.

I thought about it — but just never pulled the trigger.

I think painted brick looks amazing and thought about doing it when I lived there. I didn’t because the brick color wasn’t awful, and one of the great things about brick is you don’t have to do anything to it. Ever. Once it’s painted, you can never go back. Some say it lasts 3-5 years, while others say 15 years.

No matter… I’m happy for the buyers but wouldn’t want it back. They’ve put a lot of work into it already and it shows. I hope they make a bajillion wonderful memories there.

I’ll just keep making memories where I’m at. 🙂