i can’t do the things i could when i was 45, but i can take a sunset photo (#40 of 52)

Jul 10, 2023

My back has been jacked for over a week now. It feels different this time from the way it felt when I had surgery in August 2014, but similar in some respects too. At this point, it’s not as bad as it was then but I can see how it could get there. Still, I act like I think I can just do whatever I want.

I should leave shoveling and raking dirt for someone else…

One side of the pool is almost ground level. The problem is, the installer didn’t backfill around it so there’s a deep groove. Deep enough that I could bury bodies in there! Multiple bodies even. Next, because the pool dudes cut the Internet fiber line, REMC put in a box and didn’t level that ground out either.

I figured I could do a little ground work each day until it’s level enough to mow. And afterward, I could get some rock delivered and landscape around the pool.

I’d already walked 45-minutes on the treadmill before going outside. I shoveled and raked about an hour… maybe a little more before I got hot. I filled the shallower side that was about 3′ deep (too dark from the shade to see in the photo) with the dirt piled around the box. I figured I’d do more tomorrow — dirt for the deeper part has to be wheelbarrowed in from the back of the property.

Within an hour after quitting, I could barely stand up straight!

At some point, I’ll have to realize I simply can’t do the things I could when I was younger — and there are things that I might not be able to accomplish at all.

One thing I CAN still do is take sunset photos. 🙂