more rain and sunset #41 of 52

Jul 15, 2023

I love drinking my first cup of coffee outside by the pool. I get my phones and head for the adirondack chair while the puppies take to the yard. It’s peaceful out there except for an occasional distant moo sound from farmer Rex’s cows. After a hard rain, I can hear the creek.

Rain… again…

I got ran inside because of rain this morning, but not until I took a photo of the droplets hitting the water. Those droplets — that are forecasted to last all day — keep the water cold and the pool too full.

It’s steamy…

Perry captured today’s sunset photo share — #41 of 52. His camera is set to 4:3 and I always take photos at 16:9. It’s a matter of preference, of course, but his image was so pretty I didn’t have it in me to crop it.