i did what i said i would do when i said i would do it

Oct 19, 2023

I ordered the dye for the floors in the office/family room yesterday. In addition, I ordered the stuff to clean the floors, paint trays, and a small pump hand sprayer to apply dye after the roll-on to give a more textured look. In addition, I’ve already purchased the primer as well as a top coat. My total expense was $255.00.

Deliveries coming today… along with the rain.

Some of the above items are to deliver today with the rest coming tomorrow. The Scotchguard for the couch and chairs is arriving today so it will be ready once I get those suckers shampooed. Dogs are a pain, aren’t they? I wouldn’t trade either of mine for anything.

But I wish Dharma would spend less time on the couch, and more time here:

Fall is in full swing…

I took this photo yesterday and it’s evidence that fall is definitely here: