critters are a part of rural living

Jan 8, 2024

I saw a post on Facebook about the dangers of coyotes this time of year and it got me thinking — and reviewing my security camera footage.

I know there are coyotes around here in the outskirts of the Ville because I sometimes hear them. The post talked about how January and February are mating season months and is the time they’re most aggressive and out prowling for food.

My dogs are big and are in a fenced in yard when outside but…

my big hound dogs

The FB post went on to say coyotes have been known to scale a 12′ fence. And while my dogs are large, neither are equipped to take on a skilled predator. Especially if there’s more than one. In the photo below, I have no idea what kind of critter those two sets of eyes belong to, but they moved along the tree line behind the barndo.

screenshot of security camera footage with glowing eyes

Cats are typically alone when they cross the camera’s field of vision, but I guess those eyes could be anything. My hope (sorry neighbors) is that our resident coyotes will grab one of the loose running kitties instead of scaling a fence to tackle my big dogs.