have you ever seen a stink bug eliminator?

Feb 26, 2024

It’s forecasted to be over 70° F today and that means the window in an upstairs bedroom will come alive with stink bugs and an occasional orange ladybug.

In many parts of the world, orange ladybugs represent spiritual, personal, and financial prosperity. Not only is the orange ladybug a symbol of good luck, but they bring omens of protection, love, and vibrant life. Not here in southern Indiana! Here, we do everything we can to get rid of the little suckers.

We wield bug sucker-uppers.

bug sucker-upper

Armed with my trusty bug sucker-upper and a caulk gun, I’m going to war on that upstairs window today. I’ve already wiped around the perimeter with clove essential oil (that I have to clean off before caulking) and that helped, but didn’t last long enough to make a difference.

The nasty house guests have got to go!

stink bug