Springtime crops should be lush and green. When corn or beans are planted, green growth is what you see as days become warmer and longer. There’s no ugly brown in sight until fall and harvest time nears.
When winter wheat is the crop, it’s turning brown as other fields are just covering the ground with lush growth.
I don’t like the view this year, Mr. Farmer!
It’s also ugly feet season…
As one ages, everything goes to shit. Bodies sag and faces wrinkle. It’s just the natural process of nature and I’m thankful I have the opportunity to experience it. But there’s no excuse for prehistoric looking feet!
We pull out our trusty flip flops and sandals because it’s springtime. It’s also the time of year our eyes are exposed to some really pathetically ugly feet. Scruffy heals are the worst, you guys — and those are not reserved just for old people.