it’s like meeting a troll when you’re out of arrows

Oct 4, 2022

I know I said I wasn’t going to go at home improvements here like I did in Seymour. I also said I was going to take my time and not get in a hurry. But it feels like progress is nearly non-existent and I’m getting a tad frustrated.

Where’s the stuff I need?

I can’t seem to remember where I put anything. I still have 1/2 of the Pesky’s garage full of my stuff not yet moved. I don’t have tools to do what I want and need to do… either because I can’t find where I put them or they haven’t yet made it here.

It’s like trying to kill a troll when you’re out of arrows.

out of arrows

I now have heat and air. I have a comfortable bed to sleep in and incredibly fast internet. I know where the plates are silverware are.

Life is good… even though there’s some REALLY slow progress going on round here. 🙂