Sunset: 2 of 52

Oct 15, 2022

I might not capture a sunset every week over the course of one year but I did this week.

sunset #2 of 52

Not quite 50°F this morning it feels like fall. I’ve yet to master these split unit things so I thought it was still August from the bedroom this morning. This week it looks like we can expect to experience a 20°F drop from Sunday to Monday — the high a whopping 46°. Looks like the long-range forecast has us back in the low 70’s next week. 🙂

Today, I SHOULD stain and varnish the trim that’s going upstairs while it’s still comfortable in the garage.

Will I? Probably not. Instead, I’ll likely be cooking meals for Ben and Colette. Since it’s still early on this fine Saturday morning, I could get moving right now and have it done before they arrive. Will I? Absolutely not. 🙂