i’m now the queen of jank

Nov 10, 2022

There are many cool features implemented here at the barndo — well thought out and planned. There are also quite a few things that either feel like a mistake or just slopped together… JANK.

The mission… that I’ve obviously already accepted…

I need to figure out how to turn jank into what appears to be a planned inclusion. Like this for example:

a 1' space

A large shower unit was either too big or not big enough because it left 1′ of unused space.

This space is so deep, shelving isn’t the answer. There’s no way you could reach anything near the back. Shelves not so deep wouldn’t be optimal either since you’d have to squeeze in a tiny cave to get anything from them. There’s so much storage — especially upstairs — that I don’t need to put anything there.

The old Shelley would hire someone to put in a custom tile shower and eliminate the problem. The new Shelley will let it drive her crazy… all the while saying it’s really no big deal. The Valheim Shelley would grab an axe, cut down some trees, and use a hammer to build something amazing.


If only it were that easy. 🙂