i have me some barndo envy

Nov 16, 2022

After yesterday’s fiasco — thinking the house was going to be blown up by a runaway wood furnace — the dogs got me up this morning at a little after 5:00 AM. I scored a whopping 3 hours and 48 minutes of sleep. Even that sleep was fitful since it’s still 77 degrees in the house.

If for any reason something wakes me up, I’m wide awake for the day. It doesn’t matter what time it is or how much time I spent in bed. I envy people that can get up and just fall back asleep. Sitting here in the dark except for the light of the computer monitor, I decided to check out other barndos on Instagram. Now I also have a bad case of barndo envy.

I have ordinary…

barndo exterior

There’s a lot of potential here. Why… I could spend the money to add a wrap-around porch and do all sorts of things. It’s not like there’s not plenty of room to expand. But how much space do I need really?

This barndo is 50′ x 72′ with a 2100 square foot garage.

Who needs that much garage? I guess women care more about inside space and dudes like garages maybe? I have right at 2500 square feet of finished living space here. That’s more than enough, right?

barndo layout

But when I’m looking at photos on Instagram like that of Hickory Nut Farms, I plan ways I could spend at least another $100K. Instead, I need to just be happy with what I have. Get me some walls and replace that boob light in the hallway and realize that life is pretty darned good in my ordinary barndo in the Ville.