grass and weeds – that chore that keeps on giving

Apr 10, 2023

Perry mowed everything today for the second time this season. The recent rains combined with the sunny, warm weather of late has convinced the yard it’s OK to grow. All the trees are budding out too.

getting green in the ville

There are a ton of tulips planted alongside the west of the barndo. They’re up but not yet bloomed. I can’t wait to see them since we didn’t make it here in time last year.

Warm sun makes you sleepy.

Merida loves to lie in the sun! What makes it amazing is that it also slows down her hyperactivity and makes her sleepy.

Bright sun makes it so your eyes squint — and once eyes are halfway closed, there’s not far to go to simply close them and nap.

Reno progress is back on the struggle bus.

Mr. Contractor didn’t show up today – he had to finish a couple things on his previous project. He swears he’ll start here early tomorrow morning. I wonder if he’ll make good on his promise to finish this week even if he has to work over the weekend.

And my painting project in the upstairs half bath didn’t go as planned today either. I did get the vanity and mirror painted, but since I only had one trim brush the walls have to wait until tomorrow.

And finally, because I thought this was funny and everyone should pet their dog… I just had to share this with you..