home from Disney and it’s fall ’round here

Sep 25, 2023

The beans in the field next to the barndo were turning yellow in spots a week ago when we left for Disney World. Upon our return a mere week later, the bean field is brown and looks about ready to harvest.

You can read all about our Disney experience at whatifitdid.com. You can start HERE, and at the end of each day’s post, you simply click the link that says “a little newer.”

I want to go back.

It’s not today’s Disney I want to go back to… it’s the OLD Disney. I miss the way things used to be — the experience of old. Still a good time, I’m not sure what will happen when the next Mopar event rolls around next October. I’ve already gotten the ‘go ahead’ on booking their speakers. I know I’ll have a great hotel once again. If we DO go, we’ll make changes, for sure.