COVID negative but i’ve got something

Sep 28, 2023

I starting feeling a bit under the weather on Friday during the trip back home from Disney. Freezing cold with a sore throat, I knew I had some kind of bug. It will be 1 week tomorrow and whatever this is has progressed to congestion primarily — feeling awful overall.

I COVID tested…

No mums planted. No mulch spread. No Halloween decorations or festive fall decor. The pool still isn’t closed. Here’s hoping I feel like doing something (besides sleep) this weekend.

One more weigh-in for the fat girls. 🐷

Even with the week at Disney eating everything I wanted, I lost what I gained that week and even dropped almost another pound on top of that. I’m going to nail first place no problem, and it looks like Jerilyn will be buying dinner next week. Yippee!