Have you ever bought something on a whim?

Jun 25, 2024

Today I ordered a bread machine. I’m not really sure why I did it, but Mom was talking about baking bread and I was surfing Amazon and it just happened.

It wasn’t an accident.

I didn’t make this spur-of-the-moment purchase by mistake because I also added bread flour, yeast, and a bread knife to my cart. The only thing I didn’t buy that I should have is one of those bread cutting contraptions and a bread storage container.

Soon you’ll be seeing photos of bread instead of plants!

outside plant

From friendship bread to who knows what!

In 2010, I was the proud owner of the “starter” for making friendship (or Amish) bread. Alisa had her son, Patrick, deliver a tasty sample to me along with a bag of goo starter. You kept this sour mess in a baggie that had to be fed and mushed.

I didn’t even own loaf pans at the time! And look at me now… soon to be making bread like a boss in a fancy new bread machine. 😉