i keep checking for “pending”

Jul 11, 2022

Driving around yesterday, we looked at the house that must sell for our offer to go through. There were a bunch of cars in their driveway.

Nobody wipes my sweat!

Besides all the cars, the next door neighbor — an older man (mid-70’s at least!) — was mowing his grass. He waved. When we turned around and drove back by the second time, he waved again while his wife was wiping the sweat from his face with a towel. That was so sweet I wouldn’t mind be their neighbor.

I keep checking on Zillow and Realtor for that house to go “pending.” I know it’s not been very long since I listed this house, but…

We’re already tired of waiting.

Dharma is tired of waiting.

After bugging around most of the day yesterday, Perry and I watched a movie in the sunroom last night. The small TV in there is so hard to hear. Bad enough that the screen is small, even with the sound at max, we couldn’t make out everything said.

Because I need the small TV back over my treadmill (diet and exercise begins today), I moved it back to its original spot and brought a larger one to the sunroom.

tv in the sunroom

Here’s hoping for good news this week!