drum roll please

Jul 12, 2022

Welp, shit just got real. The house of the person that made the offer on this house has sold. The contingency has been removed and I now have a firm offer. The appraisal and inspection have been ordered.

I’m pretty sure this is going to happen.

I go back and forth between being excited and relieved — and feeling really blue. Life is going to be hard for the next several months. Really hard. And not just for me. All the work incoming is almost more than I can stand to think about. And instead, I should be grateful.

In a few weeks, I won’t need to worry about walking on the treadmill. I’ll be getting my exercise in about a bajillion other ways. In the middle of the HOT summer… it’s tough to keep telling myself it’s going to be an adventure. Especially when no builders are available until after the 1st of the year.

exercise is good