this ain’t no new build

Jul 18, 2022

The home inspector did the first pass today and has scheduled 3-4 hours on Wednesday of this week. He let me know he would be checking every outlet, every window, etc. What the actual eff?

When I sold the Villa, it had to be inspected. It was supposed to be really thorough because it was a USDA loan — and they’re picky. The buyers of that house had been denied 7 properties before the villa passed.

It took the dude about 30-minutes total.

We had a construction guy there that had completed quite a bit of work for us at different houses and he fixed the few things they found right as soon as they were pointed out. Basically, the inspector peeked in the attic and under the house and flipped the garage lights on to make sure they worked. Then he signed the paperwork and we closed on the house.

Not gonna lie, I’m |-| close to a panic attack.

The housing market is going down and rates are going up. I wish I could simply relax and sleep like this girl…

Dharma has zero anxiety