the paint color challenge for a closing slated for 10/12/22

Oct 6, 2022

I’m not changing the countertops even though I’m a white or black quartz girl and I’ve got brown/orange laminate. (Again… it’s a barndo, Shelley.) The other challenge insofar as paint colors on walls is because the floors downstairs are acid stained concrete — and they’re that same orangish hue. **Insert huge sigh here**

While the colors below are what I’d prefer…

I should probably work with these instead. (The kitchen walls are currently close to cool beige depicted below.)

Accomplishment goals.

What I’d like to accomplish this week are the following:

  1. Mow the yard and weed eat everything outside
  2. Finish Colette’s room upstairs that consists of
    1. Paint
    2. Baseboard and window trim installed and stained
    3. One closet framed – installed, trimmed and stained
  3. Finish the wall in the ‘whatever’ room
  4. Hook up the POE NVR to the camera security system and get it operational

The problem is? It’s already Thursday.

Merida and Dharma can’t understand what the big deal is. They both like everything exactly the way it is now. 🙂

Dharma and Merida

I figure I’ll be doing good to get the grass cut and the camera system working before week’s end. Wish me luck!