a little under the weather – in more ways than one

Jan 27, 2023

Poor ole’ Perry is a bit under the weather. As my pap-pa used to say, he probably has the lumpuckeroo in his bowels. In his day, that was the catch-all for whatever might cause you to feel less than 100%. He was a pretty wise ole’ guy so I’m going with it.

The Ville is under the weather too!

A strong area of low pressure is moving through my hometown causing high gusty winds until sunset tonight. It’s that lumpuckeroo thing again.

I’m not sure if the windy conditions were to blame for the puppies waking me up at around 4:30 AM this morning or not, but it’s going to be a rough one around here today just the same.

My four hours of sleep can’t carry me through the day without a whole lot of help. Let’s get this party started! 🙂

coffee brewing