sunset #22 of 52 and random musings…

Mar 4, 2023

I’d almost forgotten about capturing a sunset until I looked out the window to see a glowing sky. It sure was pretty in rural Indiana this evening…

beautiful sunset in Indiana

I’ll be 100 before you know it!

A couple days ago I mentioned a classmate retiring. The very next day, another of my classmates died. I don’t remember a whole lot about Kirby Mosley from school other than his distinctive laugh that sounded like a cough. He struggled after the death of his brother… followed by that of his mother a year later — he fell into bad habits and onto hard times. RIP, Kirby. 🙁

While some of us are at at the beginning of life’s journey…

Coco in spa

There are others of us that are on the down stroke…


That doesn’t mean we don’t still have a ton of living to do! I figure I’m good for another 50 years or so! And Dharma? She’s got whole lot of treats to eat before heading to the rainbow bridge. 🙂