getting ducks in a row

Mar 15, 2023

On this very cool (29° F) morning, I’m prioritizing all the stuff we must accomplish within the next few days. The contractor will likely begin on Monday — at some point during next week for sure. We have a lot of ducks that we need to get lined up.

One garage door will be coming out. Of course, that’s the door that has the most stuff piled around it — inside and garage side.

garage mess

Mr. Contractor said he figured he wouldn’t be here more than a couple weeks total and he could work around the furniture items — or they’d take care of moving them as they work. That still means the computers must be relocated and that’s not a small task. My desk alone will take a half day.

This will be our last “normal” night for a bit.

Perry is going to make smash burgers on his Blackstone to not only feed us, but also feed Katie and Charlie. The Katie and Charlie crew also includes Lilly and Lilah (I THINK that’s the right name — I know it begins with an L) and my crew won’t be thrilled about that. Both Merida and Dharma snub the puppies and are thrilled when they go home.

charlie's puppies

Guess it’s time to start herding those darned ducks.

Sure hope this process won’t be as difficult as I imagine it will be. 🙂