Sunset #27 of 52 – and i have dumb tulips

Apr 13, 2023

The entire west side of this house — and partially on the south side — is lined with tulips. They’ve grown way up there but not one bloom can be found. People who have one flipping plant covered with blooms are sharing photos of their beauty on social media. Here I sit with more than 25 plants and not a single tulip. 🙁

I caught the sun a bit higher in the sky for this sunset photo. I guess the sky figures it will put out some color since the tulips around here refuse to.

sunset in Indiana in the spring

Today is the day! Probably.

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been told, “Today is the day the garage door comes out.” Yesterday, I was told that TODAY is the day. We’ll see, I guess. I’m wearing thin as this drags on and everything is torn up. I’m thrilled I don’t have to keep my work area in the dining room. I’m extra happy I don’t have to have builder noise and interrupts forever.

garage door coming out today?

I’m a “hidden chaos” person.

We all do things that make others crazy. One of my quirks that would likely drive anyone nuts is the way I keep my home. I want everything in its place. Now it doesn’t matter if anyone else is going to visit and see it — it’s just my way.

I make my bed. I want shoes put away at night. I dry the kitchen sink out every single time water hits it. I don’t want a ceiling light in a box left on the countertop along with a hummingbird feeder that’s not been filled. That sort of thing makes me crazy!

Multiply that by a bajillion more things when you have a remodel going on in your house and you can maybe imagine how I feel right now. Or maybe you can’t. I think a bomb could go off in Mom’s house 3 feet from her and she’d never even notice the mess. 🙂

Do you hide your chaos even from your own eyes?