hanging in for 18 more days

Sep 27, 2023

In 18 days, I’m taking some time off. LOTS of time off. My favorite brother has to have rotator cuff surgery so we’ve crossed off his recovery time from availability for in-person events. Although I’ll still check email and (hopefully) book future events, it won’t be like now — busy at the computer all day long.

Dharma is waiting on those 18 days to pass too!

Summer is forecasted again even though it’s fall!

I’ve been sick since the trip back home from Disney. I COVID tested and am negative — pretty sure it’s a sinus thing. Coming from hot evenings to even hotter, humid days in Florida to fall in Indiana could be partly to blame. There are a few leaves beginning to turn already, but it’s supposed to be in the 90’s all next week. ARG!