i screwed up trying to save money… arg!

Nov 6, 2023

First, and most importantly, my poor mamma is still under the weather. COVID hit her hard and although she was feeling better for a time, it’s back (or something is) with a vengeance. She sees the doctor in the morning and I’m sure hoping there’s something that can be done to give her some needed relief. She’s short of breath and that’s scary — for her, and for the rest of us.

Mistake to go on the cheap – you get what you pay for.

Next, I tried to save money when purchasing my ruggable.com rug. Their rug pads are $350 bucks for the large-sized rug!! I opted for a decent pad from Amazon instead… and purchased the small rug with their pad. Because the floor I dyed and sealed is slick, the big rug scoots more than I like — and the one with the correct pad is on the floor like glue.

As bad as I hated to, I ordered the flipping pad that I should’ve bought in the first place. When it’s received, it will take 1/2 a day to get the rug part on the pad (they’re sort of velcro), and Perry will be lifting that heavy dual-recliner couch again. 😬

I moved stuff around and everyone is far, far away.

The verdict is still out on how I feel about where everything is now, but Dharma’s not a fan. She’s not a fan of the slick floor and she’s not a fan of being so far from me when lounging on the couch. These days, she chooses the dog bed on the floor beside me instead. ❤️