Contemplating change but can’t seem to take the plunge

Jun 21, 2024

I haven’t posted here in over a month, but I’ve posted daily on I don’t share my thoughts or photos either place because I care about readership. I just love to write my thoughts down, and especially love looking back throughout the years at what was going on at specific times in my life.

I’ve looked up what time of year I got my first garden tomato — and what the weather was like in a certain month 10-years ago. It’s something I enjoy.

What if it Did?

I started blogging in 2007 and thought that domain name was great. Now, I realize that a whole darned lot of things matter. Even really stupid stuff matters… like woodpeckers that eat at the hummingbird feeder instead of the one I have just for them.

woodpecker thinks it's a hummingbird

And then came the server crash and the fact that is a bloated and huge mass of digital verbiage and photos. Backing up the site — and I do that weekly — takes forever and consumes a huge amount of disk space. Even zipped, the file is HUGE.

So I’m thinking about transitioning to here.

I’d leave online — it’s like an old friend or a scrapbook of sorts. But as my life transitions into a new phase, I’m thinking about posting here instead. This site gets a tiny fraction of the number of visitors that whatifitdid gets. But again, I don’t care about the readership or the number of hits or bounce rates.

I’m not selling one thing.

I’m just sharing really important stuff — like how a pathway light makes a snowflake design on the ground at night. 😉

shadow from outside light

Trying it on for size — how about my daily trivia here…

Now you know: The best time to take a nap is 7-8 hours after waking up. It should last 20-45 minutes to avoid sleep onset issues.