how neighbors can profoundly influence your life

Jul 4, 2024

We had close neighbors when we lived in Seymour — great neighbors. There was never a property dispute or noise complaint. In 10 years, we only had 2 challenges.

One was when a neighbor knocked down my bird feeder from our tree that they felt caused bird poop in their pool. The other was with a neighbor whose property line butted against our back yard. They had a mega watt light that was motion activated and flooded our entire house in a beam of brightness.

neighbor's outside light

We didn’t mention either problem to either neighbor.

It was aggravating, but not earth shattering. Having lived in the country my entire life, I assumed these things bothered me because I wasn’t used to having close neighbors. Sort of like the irritant of finding this little guy where he wasn’t wanted…

frog visitor

No close neighbors here at the barndo!

We don’t have close neighbors, but Mom does. Her neighbor has a revolving door of visitors… LOTS of visitors. They have big dogs that roam, and currently have a junk trailer of sorts that others live in. (No clue where they use the restroom.)

Last night, their neighbor’s visitors were in the form of law enforcement. 😳

Pretty sure someone was escorted to jail — but not everyone. It’s a start, I guess.