check, check and check

Aug 6, 2022

Washer full. Check. Dryer full. Check. Dishwasher full. Check. Daylight… ummm… nope!

This night owl is breaking all the sleep late rules. Up early getting things done around here although not on purpose.

A tentative priority list.

I have a list in my head of the things I’d like to accomplish soon after moving in to the new place. It’s basically prioritized but I know all that will change once we get inside. Again, I’m not going to go in and do EVERYTHING right away like I did here.

I wonder if the buyers of my current house are trying to remember the layout. I wonder if they’re thinking about what they want where. I know I am. I intended to take a ton of photos. I got home with around 10 (3 of the same exact room and position). I can’t remember room sizes. I can’t remember if there’s a linen closet downstairs or upstairs.

In the top 3 of my list…

I added a project that shot to the top 3 of my “do first” priority list and it’s not simple. Although there’s a ton of outside seating — an upper and lower deck — there’s not one place that’s under roof. As I sit outside in the sunroom here as it’s raining (and enjoy doing so), I want to be able to do that at the new place too. So does Dharma!

Dharma is a wet dog.

Also, my Momma is going to need a place to get out of the sun in the summer.

Maybe I should’ve stuck with the original plan to downsize?