i finally picked paint colors

Nov 9, 2022

So the kitchen, dining room, and downstairs hallway are soon to be painted. I’m not choosing the kitchen backsplash tile until I see if I’m happy with the colors I finally picked out for the walls.

The kitchen in Seymour had several coats of paint during my time living there because I changed my mind so many times. I figure I might as well get started changing my mind here! The first transformation will happen within the next few days.

The before…

kitchen before paint

I’ll be filling holes and sanding today. Although I hate messing up a room to start, I’m always happy when it’s finished. Even when I hate the colors chosen, I’m happy when it all goes back together.

I’ve GOT to get this party started.

It’s almost time to put up a Christmas tree! 🎄🎅

Please note… I did NOT choose Joanna colors after all.