Add water and get stars

Jan 7, 2023

Perry brought home 3 plastic containers right before Christmas. Each contained a bit of dirt and a huge dried out looking bulb with a bit of dead plant sticking out the top.

Just add water and enjoy!

I’ll admit, I was skeptical. I’ll also admit I wasn’t a fan of these red, green and gold plastic containers that I had to find a place for. A place with sunlight… like I don’t already have a mass amount of plants vying for space.

Each container found a home in one of the windows in the room without walls. I added water. Within a couple of days, those dried up sprouts were shooting up like I’d put steroids in the water. Not long afterward, they were BEAUTIFUL

red flower

Amaryllis Stargazers — and all you need is H2O!

Reading the directions, I’m still not quite understanding why they were sold as a Christmas flowering plant since I’m supposed to withhold water so it will go dormant at the end of summer. Summer? Then the bulb goes in a cool dry place for 6 weeks to rest.

Now I’m wondering if I’m supposed to keep these girls awake until next September or put them to bed now. Any advice from one with a green thumb would be appreciated!