yesterday vs today and no sunset

Mar 12, 2023

Yesterday wasn’t so bad. There were signs of spring everywhere. There was actually some sun.

signs of spring

There were too many clouds to get a sunset photo last night. And then, the cloudy night rolled into a rainy day today. Cold, wet and crappy all in one photo:

Barndo progress is at a standstill and I’m pondering the floor situation.

We’re waiting on the contractor to get free enough to do work here. Gosh, I want walls and a ceiling. And I bounce back and forth over the floor situation.

Concrete is great. It doesn’t matter if doggos come in with wet feet — and that’s awesome. But even after I mop, it still looks “unfinished.” Now I know I should just get used to the extremely casual barndo vibe, but I’ll admit I struggle with it.

For 10 years, I had dark wood floors that I cleaned daily. They were crisp and neat. Now I have acid stained concrete that looks distressed even when it’s clean.

And that’s only in the part of the downstairs that the previous owners considered living space. Our main room (the one without walls) is just plain ole’ concrete. It’s also the ONLY place there’s a single crack. That crack makes me crazy!!

Deciding upon T1-11 walls and ceiling, it’s not like we can just slap the same flooring down that’s upstairs — ESPECIALLY if we don’t paint the wood and leave it natural. Not a fan of painting walls that are like 16′ tall, I’d prefer to roll with natural. That pretty much leaves the concrete, ceramic tile, or the laminate squares that are grouted (like I had in the bathrooms at the Seymour house).

Soooo… I’m still pondering.

If you have great suggestions, please pass them my way.