mr. contractor is incoming – ETA will be known soon

Mar 14, 2023

I received a text this morning from my selected contractor letting me know he would be starting soon. While I’m more than ready to get this show on the road, I’m really dreading the interim where “normal” days will be nonexistent.

Repeat info plus more things to worry about…

I talked about the challenges of this project on this morning, and also shared this same photo there…

i need walls!

One thing I didn’t mention in that post was regarding our camera system’s hub. It’s in that northern most corner and I have no clue how we’re going to work through that issue. And even if they can work around much of the heavy furniture, it still leaves the challenge of where and how I’m going to work.

There are only 2 options…

  1. Move the computers upstairs. Con: Dharma can’t get up there and will freak out if contractors are downstairs with her and without me.
  2. Move the computers to the dining room area. Con: There’s already a ton of stuff in there and space is limited.

Both options suck.