yardwork should count as double steps

Jul 31, 2023

After 2 days of weed whacking, my arms feel like jello. Tomorrow, they’ll be sore. If we have another rain within the next few days, they’ll barely be feeling normal before it’s time to start all over again. Hello rural living! 🙂

All the way to the creek the weeds have been whacked.

I picked up the tree debris left by the people who own the ground across the road from me. They’re going to be building a house (I guess a house) in front of the wooded area to the east of our barndo. Not a great “neighborly” start. If it happens again, the feud will commence before the foundation is poured.

After that job, I hoisted my trusty (and heavy) week eater around for hours… today and yesterday too. At a spot I don’t visit every day, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and took a photo.

It’s a beautiful summer day!

I’m grateful I can still do the work of 10 men (heh) at my ripe old age. Not sure what the place will look like when I’m no longer able to do those things… but for now, I’m enjoying the view.