pool is officially closed – finally!

Oct 12, 2023

The pool cover is back on after blowing off. The continued wind made it impossible to re-cover until today.

Close clean. Open clean.

They say if your pool is clean when it’s closed, it will open clean. I can only guess that means if it’s closed dirty (leaves have been falling in and fields next door have been throwing dust for days), it will open dirty. Probably even dirtier than it was when it closed. 🙁

I just hope the cover stays on this time.

Don’t waste time worrying about what you can’t control.

There’s absolutely nothing that can be done about the pool at this point so there’s zero point in worrying about it. None. And because I’m still struggling with this crud somewhat, there’s no reason to worry about the grass that needs mowing before weekend.

It is what it is!