the ville has a food truck

Oct 16, 2023

Crothersville has a food truck! It’s located where the old Dairy Barn used to be and it’s called Grillo’s.

Now, instead of Hermburgers (what the quarter pounder was called back in the day when it was still the Dairy Barn), you can get a burrito that probably weighs 2 pounds!

I read on Facebook that Grillo’s was going to be in Scottsburg. I was jealous! Seriously, jealous. What if they make more money there and decide to leave the Ville?

It seems like Crothersville opens a pizza place and 10 more open up right away. But so far, not one other Mexican restaurant has hung up a shingle to sell tacos. I sure hope they make a ton of money here because I certainly don’t want them going anywhere.

Everything we need.

We have gas station pizza that’s really good. We have a Mexican food truck. I can cook when I need to and Walmart delivers groceries here. What else is there? 🙂